About this course

Slam Jam is Basketball England's official primary age programme designed to provide a great first experience to the sport in a fun, safe and engaging atmosphere! Slam Jam not only focuses on basketball related activity, but it also aims to improve the physical literacy and fundamentals of movement for all participants.

Sat, Jun 08 - Sat, 13 Jul 2024

10:30 - 11:30

7 - 11 years old


Alex Halmkan

What's included

For just £43, your child will get six coaching sessions and a kit bag including a t-shirt, basketball and other goodies including a cap and a water bottle.

Stickers will be given out throughout the programme to celebrate attendance and achievements.


Notes from the coach

Join Bracknell Cobras Basketball Club on Saturday mornings at King's Academy Binfield for some Slam Jam Basketball fun!!

Sign up and get a t-shirt, basketball and other goodies included in the booking price!


Need more information?

Coach: Alex Halmkan

Email: info@cobrasbasketballclub.com

Phone: 07491111209

Where to find us

Cobras Basketball Club
kings academy binfield, wood lane, binfield, bracknell, BERKSHIRE RG42 4EX

Waiting list

This course is full, but you still have the opportunity to be added to a waiting list in case spaces become available.

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Waiting list

This course is full, but you still have the opportunity to be added to a waiting list in case spaces become available.

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